I promised the REAL me, Good, Bad and Ugly..............
Drum roooooolllll please!! YES! It's true, I'm back on the workout grind.....again. I'm the worst yo-yo'r I know. :-( But I'm on it with a great motivational trainer and partner. This time I'm getting more into lifting weights, not just my cardio that was doing before. I'm in it to win it this time. We all know I'm prone for injury, but this time I have a trainer that I'm working with that knows my alignment and how I work along with what aggravates my back injury.
So, here we go...... STATS:
Currently (here's the horrible honest truth ugh!)
Height: 5'6"
Weight 168lbs (76.36kg)
Bust- 34DD
Waist- 26.5"
Hips - 44"
Pant size loose fitting size 11 ( I actually need new, smaller jeans)
I will add leg and arm measurements in a few days.
And of course I will post videos- Here is a starting pic for you all
Vet tech, Moving away from modeling, living a new life, newly married and soon to be mom. This is my life, as real as it gets. I will not be censored in fear of any ignorant comments that may come with the things I say. I'm not perfect, but who is. I hope you can relate to some of my ups and downs along with my kind of humor.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Back On My Workout Grind!
beach body,
lift heavy,
no days off,
work out
Last 2 days of my Juice fast/cleanse
The Last few days of the cleanse and why I decided to stop
Okay, so here's what happened and I will apologize ahead of time if you feel that any of this is TMI, but it should be tossed out there. So after 5 days of the cleanse I felt fine with one exception. Lets just say my gut stopped moving!! This was not a good thing. The con to juicing.....your gut could stop moving, and or cause constipation. I will not say constipation I will say that it just stopped moving. And I felt gross because of that. If your body is detoxing, but you are unable to flush the toxins out of your system then there is a problem! You are holding on to toxins and therefore will feel pretty icky! You body then may potentially reabsorb the toxins it was trying to get rid of in the first place. I did some digging, spoke to my mom and a doctor at my job that knows a little about everything. My mom suggested that I add a digestive enzyme and probiotics to my diet to get the gut moving and being productive again and the doc said maybe I should take something like a fiber supplement, you know that powder stuff. Downside to the probiotics and enzymes was that I'd already spent a small fortune for this cleanse and now I was going to have to come out of pocket again for more supplements, fact is, I couldn't do it. At this point I spoke with the doctor here and she suggested that I get off of the diet for fear that my body was retaining the toxins and I needed actual bulk moving through my system for my gut to work appropriately and to stay away from things like laxative teas that stimulate the movement of your gut because you want this to happen naturally. So, I stopped. I went back to eating regular food again.
What am I doing now?
I must admit that i liked the juicing so I've decided to make that part of my daily life. I've also noticed that I've been craving veggies and foods with color. Most of those things of color are your living raw foods. This has also got me jump started to eating clean as well.
My Support System?
My fiance/personal trainer and those of you that write to me on Facebook and we keep each other motivated. My fiance was recently cleared to get back to working out after a nasty bike accident in August. Now that he's back on his grind it is more of a motivation for me to get my butt back in gear and go for it again. He is on his #nodaysoff #teamfitness #nopainnogain madness right now and he's making his meals. I've decided to join in full force. I'm a super organized person and therefore I've made an eating schedule complete with how to make the things on the list. Working nights makes my life a little complicated, but it's simple, I'll have to come home in the morning, gym, shower, cook for a few days and then head to sleep to be at work in time.
Okay, so here's what happened and I will apologize ahead of time if you feel that any of this is TMI, but it should be tossed out there. So after 5 days of the cleanse I felt fine with one exception. Lets just say my gut stopped moving!! This was not a good thing. The con to juicing.....your gut could stop moving, and or cause constipation. I will not say constipation I will say that it just stopped moving. And I felt gross because of that. If your body is detoxing, but you are unable to flush the toxins out of your system then there is a problem! You are holding on to toxins and therefore will feel pretty icky! You body then may potentially reabsorb the toxins it was trying to get rid of in the first place. I did some digging, spoke to my mom and a doctor at my job that knows a little about everything. My mom suggested that I add a digestive enzyme and probiotics to my diet to get the gut moving and being productive again and the doc said maybe I should take something like a fiber supplement, you know that powder stuff. Downside to the probiotics and enzymes was that I'd already spent a small fortune for this cleanse and now I was going to have to come out of pocket again for more supplements, fact is, I couldn't do it. At this point I spoke with the doctor here and she suggested that I get off of the diet for fear that my body was retaining the toxins and I needed actual bulk moving through my system for my gut to work appropriately and to stay away from things like laxative teas that stimulate the movement of your gut because you want this to happen naturally. So, I stopped. I went back to eating regular food again.
What am I doing now?
I must admit that i liked the juicing so I've decided to make that part of my daily life. I've also noticed that I've been craving veggies and foods with color. Most of those things of color are your living raw foods. This has also got me jump started to eating clean as well.
My Support System?
My fiance/personal trainer and those of you that write to me on Facebook and we keep each other motivated. My fiance was recently cleared to get back to working out after a nasty bike accident in August. Now that he's back on his grind it is more of a motivation for me to get my butt back in gear and go for it again. He is on his #nodaysoff #teamfitness #nopainnogain madness right now and he's making his meals. I've decided to join in full force. I'm a super organized person and therefore I've made an eating schedule complete with how to make the things on the list. Working nights makes my life a little complicated, but it's simple, I'll have to come home in the morning, gym, shower, cook for a few days and then head to sleep to be at work in time.
centrifugal juicer,
fat sick and nearly dead,
work out
Friday, October 18, 2013
Juicing- The first 3 days
Sooooo how have I done?
The first day of juicing was not bad at all, it was the second day that was difficult. As most know I work at an emergency animal hospital over night so on day 2 I didn't get off until 8am that morning. for this reason I also have to kind of change my juicing schedule and spread out about 3 juices over my 10 hour work shift. The second day though was off because I did not have to work that night (Wednesday) and I was super tired. I got home, finished drinking my last juice for the 24 hour period and passed out! I didn't do much of anything that day besides drink water. I honestly didn't want to drink or even eat anything. That night at around 8pm we had to leave to go to a haunted house we had tickets for and I had no time to grab anything before leaving the house. By the time we were done I was starving! So what did I do? I had to actually eat something. Do I consider this a failure? Nope, not by any means. I'm not going to pass out or have a hypoglycemic episode all because I must make it home to juice. Thursday, today, has been a much better day for me. I woke up bright and early, I had to cook breakfast and lunch for my other half and even then I wasn't tempted at all. I then made sure I juiced for the day, cleaned up, I was done! So it makes it much easier if I just get everything done at one time. Tonight at work I brought 3 juices with me, 1 I drink on the way in and the other 2 I space out and I also bring green tea with me to and a large thing of H20. So hunger? Not so much.
Tired and icky feeling?
Nope. I can't say that I've felt this way. There are other things going or not going on that I'm having issues with but I don't go in detail. Lets just say that I now need to invest in a great probiotic and digestive enzymes.
Gross Juices?
I am not a fan of the kale, lemon, cucumber, green apple and ginger mixture at all. The lemon goes in unpeeled and it's way too strong and the kale smells like grass really. That one puts me a bit on the nauseous side. I'm going to have to alter it a bit. I thought the juice with the beets was going to make me vomit because i detest the thought of eating beets, but it didn't. I actually like it. Everything else thus far is very tolerable.
I will continue as long as my wallet can afford it, because buying produce like this is very expensive. You can easily spend $100 a week juicing every day. I don't have anything seriously local and inexpensive where I am. If I were still in Florida I could do this juice cleanse for next to nothing.
Well, that's it for now. Lets see what tomorrow brings.
The first day of juicing was not bad at all, it was the second day that was difficult. As most know I work at an emergency animal hospital over night so on day 2 I didn't get off until 8am that morning. for this reason I also have to kind of change my juicing schedule and spread out about 3 juices over my 10 hour work shift. The second day though was off because I did not have to work that night (Wednesday) and I was super tired. I got home, finished drinking my last juice for the 24 hour period and passed out! I didn't do much of anything that day besides drink water. I honestly didn't want to drink or even eat anything. That night at around 8pm we had to leave to go to a haunted house we had tickets for and I had no time to grab anything before leaving the house. By the time we were done I was starving! So what did I do? I had to actually eat something. Do I consider this a failure? Nope, not by any means. I'm not going to pass out or have a hypoglycemic episode all because I must make it home to juice. Thursday, today, has been a much better day for me. I woke up bright and early, I had to cook breakfast and lunch for my other half and even then I wasn't tempted at all. I then made sure I juiced for the day, cleaned up, I was done! So it makes it much easier if I just get everything done at one time. Tonight at work I brought 3 juices with me, 1 I drink on the way in and the other 2 I space out and I also bring green tea with me to and a large thing of H20. So hunger? Not so much.
Tired and icky feeling?
Nope. I can't say that I've felt this way. There are other things going or not going on that I'm having issues with but I don't go in detail. Lets just say that I now need to invest in a great probiotic and digestive enzymes.
Gross Juices?
I am not a fan of the kale, lemon, cucumber, green apple and ginger mixture at all. The lemon goes in unpeeled and it's way too strong and the kale smells like grass really. That one puts me a bit on the nauseous side. I'm going to have to alter it a bit. I thought the juice with the beets was going to make me vomit because i detest the thought of eating beets, but it didn't. I actually like it. Everything else thus far is very tolerable.
I will continue as long as my wallet can afford it, because buying produce like this is very expensive. You can easily spend $100 a week juicing every day. I don't have anything seriously local and inexpensive where I am. If I were still in Florida I could do this juice cleanse for next to nothing.
Well, that's it for now. Lets see what tomorrow brings.
centrifugal juicer,
fat sick and nearly dead,
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
What's This Juicing Craze?
Okay, so this juicing thing has been around for quite some time now. I've recently been seeing TV adds for a documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. The other morning at about 4am I decided to check it out. Of course my first thought was, "great they're going to try to sell me something", but that wasn't so. Sell?? No. Convince you to change a few things about your life? Yes. It's a must see Here is the link.
Watching this did nothing more than to confirm the things that I'm already well aware of with your body, foods, nutrients and how they all effect your overall health. Yes, you are definitely what you eat. This made me think about a few things. First let me clear the air, I LOVE MEAT! I am a meat eater at heart, it's something that I actually crave. I'm trying to get better about meat though and have finally located local farmers that have only grass fed and finished meats. Anyways, with that said my mom is all in to the health craze and GMO's blah blah blah, I could go on about that stuff for forever, but I won't; Point is that she has been telling me that with my blood type I would best thrive off of green leafy veggies.....I lack these....big time. Over the last year she has slowly gotten off of meat and for the most part eats fruits, veggies, lentils and whatever she can boil in a pot quickly. She has been preaching these things to me over and over and I've done my homework. It wasn't until I saw this though that I put 2 and 2 together that morning. I moved to Philadelphia a little over 3 months ago and since I moved here there are a few things I haven't been doing, eating as healthy as I was in Florida and enjoying long runs outside on the Suncoast Trail. Instead it's indoor working out and fast food, occasional cooking, or eating nothing due to my night time work schedule. I found my body having food cravings, but when I eat what I think will cure the craving it either doesn't or I turn my nose up to it. So BOOM! It hit me! The lack of sunshine along with a lack of fruits and veggies has seriously taken a toll on my system. Time for a change, time for a cleanse and a "Reboot" as Joe calls it.
Reboot Myself!
I went out that very same day after doing some research about blenders and decided on a great starter juicer, Bella juicer, sold at target for a decent price. There is no way I'm spending $300 out the gate for one of those top of the line juicers. So far this juicer hasn't given me any trouble, easy to clean, easy to use, and has 2 speeds. The only downfall is that I have to send the pulp back through a second time in order to get it dry enough. I yield a crazy amount of juice and believe I'm getting the amount expected from each round of juicing.
The website offers a daily guide for juicing complete with recipes, a shopping list, and a menu to follow. I've decided to go for 10-15 days of juicing. The only thing I did differently was go straight in to juicing instead of slowly backing off everything for a week. What can I say? I'm a go getter!
I will include the link of my review of the juicer from the moment I unpacked it and made my first juice and make entries every few days to keep you posted on my progress.
Think this is something for you?? Let me know, share your experience with me. Already juicing? I want to know what you have been through and what you've learned along the way.
Watching this did nothing more than to confirm the things that I'm already well aware of with your body, foods, nutrients and how they all effect your overall health. Yes, you are definitely what you eat. This made me think about a few things. First let me clear the air, I LOVE MEAT! I am a meat eater at heart, it's something that I actually crave. I'm trying to get better about meat though and have finally located local farmers that have only grass fed and finished meats. Anyways, with that said my mom is all in to the health craze and GMO's blah blah blah, I could go on about that stuff for forever, but I won't; Point is that she has been telling me that with my blood type I would best thrive off of green leafy veggies.....I lack these....big time. Over the last year she has slowly gotten off of meat and for the most part eats fruits, veggies, lentils and whatever she can boil in a pot quickly. She has been preaching these things to me over and over and I've done my homework. It wasn't until I saw this though that I put 2 and 2 together that morning. I moved to Philadelphia a little over 3 months ago and since I moved here there are a few things I haven't been doing, eating as healthy as I was in Florida and enjoying long runs outside on the Suncoast Trail. Instead it's indoor working out and fast food, occasional cooking, or eating nothing due to my night time work schedule. I found my body having food cravings, but when I eat what I think will cure the craving it either doesn't or I turn my nose up to it. So BOOM! It hit me! The lack of sunshine along with a lack of fruits and veggies has seriously taken a toll on my system. Time for a change, time for a cleanse and a "Reboot" as Joe calls it.
Reboot Myself!
I went out that very same day after doing some research about blenders and decided on a great starter juicer, Bella juicer, sold at target for a decent price. There is no way I'm spending $300 out the gate for one of those top of the line juicers. So far this juicer hasn't given me any trouble, easy to clean, easy to use, and has 2 speeds. The only downfall is that I have to send the pulp back through a second time in order to get it dry enough. I yield a crazy amount of juice and believe I'm getting the amount expected from each round of juicing.
The website offers a daily guide for juicing complete with recipes, a shopping list, and a menu to follow. I've decided to go for 10-15 days of juicing. The only thing I did differently was go straight in to juicing instead of slowly backing off everything for a week. What can I say? I'm a go getter!
I will include the link of my review of the juicer from the moment I unpacked it and made my first juice and make entries every few days to keep you posted on my progress.
Think this is something for you?? Let me know, share your experience with me. Already juicing? I want to know what you have been through and what you've learned along the way.
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This is 2 apples, 3 carrots and a small piece of ginter. My breakfast from day 1. |
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These are all screen shots from my upcoming YouTube Video.![]() |
bella juicer,
centrifugal juicer,
fat sick and nearly dead,
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